221 research outputs found

    Spatio-Temporal Patterning in Primary Motor Cortex at Movement Onset

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    Voluntary movement initiation involves the engagement of large populations of motor cortical neurons around movement onset. Despite knowledge of the temporal dynamics that lead to movement, the spatial structure of these dynamics across the cortical surface remains unknown. In data from 4 rhesus macaques, we show that the timing of attenuation of beta frequency local field potential oscillations, a correlate of locally activated cortex, forms a spatial gradient across primary motor cortex (MI). We show that these spatio-temporal dynamics are recapitulated in the engagement order of ensembles of MI neurons. We demonstrate that these patterns are unique to movement onset and suggest that movement initiation requires a precise spatio-temporal sequential activation of neurons in MI

    Destined for Dissonance: Unpacking the Duality of Being Black and Christian

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    Abstract: We know that the Trans- Atlantic Slave Trade is how our African ancestors became involved with Christianity, and for many this involvement was a forced tactic of bondage. Does the disconnectedness from the horrors and hypocrisy of the slave trade make you question your faith? Or has the Black Church and its role in your community been a pillar in walking out your faith? Is the injustice that brought our people to America a part of our complex Christian history? Or is being Black and Christian an oxymoron? Du Bois’ The Souls of Black Folk is as relevant a conversation today as it was in 1903. Join us in a dialogue where a preacher, a thinker, and a writer discuss the significance of trusting Christ with your life, but not white-washing that life away. We will provide historical and anecdotal data to showcase how your identity can be in Christ alone and the intersectionality in which our society operates doesn’t have to oppress your religious views. Summary: Conference themes that will be covered in this session are illuminating our power, unveiling our truth and Double Consciousness The presentation will be broken into three parts- Marcus will highlight Background on Du Bois Explain What Dual or Double Consciousness and how this thinking can be problematic. We will utilize flip charts to have in put from the audience with their stance on issues facing Black Christians in today\u27s society. Matthew will then connect what it means in modern society. How things have changed since 1903, what remains, and how an everyday Christian can combat some the perceived and realized complexities in being a Black, American Christian. He will hone in on identity, code switching, intersectionality, and biblical history of African people and their christian faith. Christie will close by reiterating how to apply these themes to thrive in today\u27s society and standing firm in one\u27s Christian faith through theological and biblical references. We will also utilize videos, books, journal articles, and anecdotes to continue the conversation with the crowd

    Comparing Offline Decoding Performance in Physiologically Defined Neuronal Classes

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    Objective: Recently, several studies have documented the presence of a bimodal distribution of spike waveform widths in primary motor cortex. Although narrow and wide spiking neurons, corresponding to the two modes of the distribution, exhibit different response properties, it remains unknown if these differences give rise to differential decoding performance between these two classes of cells. Approach: We used a Gaussian mixture model to classify neurons into narrow and wide physiological classes. Using similar-size, random samples of neurons from these two physiological classes, we trained offline decoding models to predict a variety of movement features. We compared offline decoding performance between these two physiologically defined populations of cells. Main results: We found that narrow spiking neural ensembles decode motor parameters better than wide spiking neural ensembles including kinematics, kinetics, and muscle activity. Significance: These findings suggest that the utility of neural ensembles in brain machine interfaces may be predicted from their spike waveform widths

    Large-scale Spatiotemporal Spike Patterning Consistent with Wave Propagation in Motor Cortex

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    Aggregate signals in cortex are known to be spatiotemporally organized as propagating waves across the cortical surface, but it remains unclear whether the same is true for spiking activity in individual neurons. Furthermore, the functional interactions between cortical neurons are well documented but their spatial arrangement on the cortical surface has been largely ignored. Here we use a functional network analysis to demonstrate that a subset of motor cortical neurons in non-human primates spatially coordinate their spiking activity in a manner that closely matches wave propagation measured in the beta oscillatory band of the local field potential. We also demonstrate that sequential spiking of pairs of neuron contains task-relevant information that peaks when the neurons are spatially oriented along the wave axis. We hypothesize that the spatial anisotropy of spike patterning may reflect the underlying organization of motor cortex and may be a general property shared by other cortical areas

    Modular synthesis of biologically active phosphatidic acid probes using click chemistry

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    Phosphatidic acid (PA) is an important signaling lipid that plays roles in a range of biological processes including both physiological and pathophysiological events. PA is one of a number of signaling lipids that can act as site-specific ligands for protein receptors in binding events that enforce membrane association and generally regulate both receptor function and subcellular localization. However, elucidation of the full scope of PA activities has proven problematic, primarily due to the lack of a consensus sequence among PA-binding receptors. Thus, experimental approaches, such as those employing lipid probes, are necessary for characterizing interactions at the molecular level. Herein, we describe an efficient modular approach to the synthesis of a range of PA probes that employs a late stage introduction of reporter groups. This strategy was exploited in the synthesis of PA probes bearing fluorescent and photoaffinity tags as well as a bifunctional probe containing both a photoaffinity moiety and an azide as a secondary handle for purification purposes. To discern the ability of these PA analogs to mimic the natural lipid in protein-binding properties, each compound was incorporated into vesicles for binding studies using a known PA receptor, the C2 domain of PKCalpha. In these studies, each compound exhibited binding properties that were comparable to those of synthetic PA, indicating their viability as probes for effectively studying the activities of PA in cellular processes

    Assessment of Emergency Medicine Resident Performance in a Pediatric In Situ Simulation Using Multi-Source Feedback.

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    Introduction Multi-source feedback (MSF) is an evaluation method mandated by the Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education (ACGME). The Queen\u27s Simulation Assessment Tool (QSAT) has been validated as being able to distinguish between resident performances in a simulation setting. The QSAT has also been demonstrated to have excellent MSF agreement when used in an adult simulation performed in a simulation lab. Using the QSAT, this study sought to determine the degree of agreement of MSF in a single pediatric (Peds) simulation case conducted in situ in a Peds emergency department (ED). Methods This Institutional Review Board-approved study was conducted in a four-year emergency medicine residency. A Peds resuscitation case was developed with specific behavioral anchors on the QSAT, which uses a 1-5 scale in each of five categories: Primary Assessment, Diagnostic Actions, Therapeutic Actions, Communication, and Overall Assessment. Data was gathered from six participants for each simulation. The lead resident self-evaluated and received MSF from a junior peer resident, a fixed Peds ED nurse, a random ED nurse, and two faculty (one fixed, the other from a dyad). The agreement was calculated with intraclass correlation coefficients (ICC). Results The simulation was performed on 35 separate days over two academic years. A total of 106 MSF participants were enrolled. Enrollees included three faculty members, 35 team leaders, 34 peers, 33 ED registered nurses (RN), and one Peds RN; 50% of the enrollees were female (n=53). Mean QSAT scores ranged from 20.7 to 23.4. A fair agreement was demonstrated via ICC; there was no statistically significant difference between sources of MSF. Removing self-evaluation led to the highest ICC. ICC for any single or grouped non-faculty source of MSF was poor. Conclusion Using the QSAT, the findings from this single-site cohort suggest that faculty must be included in MSF. Self-evaluation appears to be of limited value in MSF with the QSAT. The degree of MSF agreement as gathered by the QSAT was lower in this cohort than previously reported for adult simulation cases performed in the simulation lab. This may be due to either the pediatric nature of the case, the location of the simulation, or both

    The HST Survey of BL Lacertae Objects. II. Host Galaxies

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    We have used the HST WFPC2 camera to survey 132 BL Lac objects comprising seven complete radio-, X-ray-, and optically-selected samples. We obtained useful images for 110 targets spanning the redshift range 0 < z < 1.3. In two thirds of the BL Lac images, host galaxies are detected, including nearly all for z < 0.5 (58 of 63). The highest redshift host galaxy detected is in a BL Lac object at z=0.664. In 58 of the 72 resolved host galaxies, a de Vaucouleurs profile is significantly preferred, at >99% confidence, over a pure exponential disk; the two fits are comparable in the remaining 14 cases. These results limit the number of disk systems to at most 8% of BL Lacs (at 99% confidence), and are consistent with all BL~Lac host galaxies being ellipticals. The detected host galaxies are luminous ellipticals with a median absolute K-corrected magnitude of M_R= -23.7 +- 0.6 mag, at least one magnitude brighter than M* and comparable to brightest cluster galaxies. The galaxy morphologies are generally smooth and undisturbed, with small or negligible ellipticities (<0.2). There is no correlation between host galaxy and observed nuclear magnitude or estimated jet power corrected for beaming. If black hole mass is correlated linearly with bulge mass in general, this implies a large range in Eddington ratio. Present data strongly support the unification picture with FR I galaxies constituting the bulk of the parent population of BL Lac objects.Comment: Accepted for publication on ApJ. 38 pages, 8 figure

    Assessment of Emergency Medicine Resident Performance in an Adult Simulation Using a Multisource Feedback Approach.

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    Introduction: The Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education (ACGME) specifically notes multisource feedback (MSF) as a recommended means of resident assessment in the emergency medicine (EM) Milestones. High-fidelity simulation is an environment wherein residents can receive MSF from various types of healthcare professionals. Previously, the Queen\u27s Simulation Assessment Tool (QSAT) has been validated for faculty to assess residents in five categories: assessment; diagnostic actions; therapeutic actions; interpersonal communication, and overall assessment. We sought to determine whether the QSAT could be used to provide MSF using a standardized simulation case. Methods: Prospectively after institutional review board approval, residents from a dual ACGME/osteopathic-approved postgraduate years (PGY) 1-4 EM residency were consented for participation. We developed a standardized resuscitation after overdose case with specific 1-5 Likert anchors used by the QSAT. A PGY 2-4 resident participated in the role of team leader, who completed a QSAT as self-assessment. The team consisted of a PGY-1 peer, an emergency medical services (EMS) provider, and a nurse. Two core faculty were present to administer the simulation case and assess. Demographics were gathered from all participants completing QSATs. We analyzed QSATs by each category and on cumulative score. Hypothesis testing was performed using intraclass correlation coefficients (ICC), with 95% confidence intervals. Interpretation of ICC results was based on previously published definitions. Results: We enrolled 34 team leader residents along with 34 nurses. A single PGY-1, a single EMS provider and two faculty were also enrolled. Faculty provided higher cumulative QSAT scores than the other sources of MSF. QSAT scores did not increase with team leader PGY level. ICC for inter-rater reliability for all sources of MSF was 0.754 (0.572-0.867). Removing the self-evaluation scores increased inter-rater reliability to 0.838 (0.733-0.910). There was lesser agreement between faculty and nurse evaluations than from the EMS or peer evaluation. Conclusion: In this single-site cohort using an internally developed simulation case, the QSAT provided MSF with excellent reliability. Self-assessment decreases the reliability of the MSF, and our data suggest self-assessment should not be a component of MSF. Use of the QSAT for MSF may be considered as a source of data for clinical competency committees

    Cytochrome P450 Inhibitors Reduce Creeping Bentgrass (Agrostis stolonifera) Tolerance to Topramezone

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    Creeping bentgrass (Agrostis stolonifera L.) is moderately tolerant to the p-hydroxyphenylpyruvate dioxygenase-inhibiting herbicide topramezone. However, the contribution of plant metabolism of topramezone to this tolerance is unknown. Experiments were conducted to determine if known cytochrome P450 monooxygenase inhibitors 1-aminobenzotriazole (ABT) and malathion alone or in combination with the herbicide safener cloquintocet-mexyl influence creeping bentgrass tolerance to topramezone. Creeping bentgrass in hydroponic culture was treated with ABT (70 μM), malathion (70 μm and 1000 g ha(-1)), or cloquintocet-mexyl (70 μM and 1000 g ha(-1)) prior to topramezone (8 g ha(-1)) application. Topramezone-induced injury to creeping bentgrass increased from 22% when applied alone to 79 and 41% when applied with malathion or ABT, respectively. Cloquintocet-mexyl (70 μM and 1000 g ha(-1)) reduced topramezone injury to 1% and increased creeping bentgrass biomass and PSII quantum yield. Cloquintocet-mexyl mitigated the synergistic effects of ABT more than those of malathion. The effects of malathion on topramezone injury were supported by creeping bentgrass biomass responses. Responses to ABT and malathion suggest that creeping bentgrass tolerance to topramezone is influenced by cytochrome P450-catalyzed metabolism. Future research should elucidate primary topramezone metabolites and determine the contribution of cytochrome P450 monooxygenases and glutathione S-transferases to metabolite formation in safened and non-safened creeping bentgrass
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